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Monday, February 17, 2014

MIMM: Hibernating

I realize I've been kind of MIA lately. I took kind of a mental rest weekend and opted to, as I call it, "hibernate" due to another round of snow and frigid temperatures. I could have easily taken this time at home to blog, but I didn't. I was kind of wiped from all the shoveling I had to do between Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. I need to learn how to use a snow blower for next year.

But it's Monday and I'm linking up with Katie for some Marvelous in my Monday action! 

Marvelous is...this Napoleon Dynamite Valentine's Day picture I sent to my family. Don't ask me why we find Kip to be so hilarious.

Marvelous is...dedicating several hours of my Thursday evening to watching Olympic curling On Demand and a attempting to interpret the rules and scoring of the game. It's really kind of fascinating. There is a place in Cranston that has a curling club and they run open houses to learn about the game. The next one is in early March. You know I plan on being there.

Marvelous is....when my dogs get haircuts and act like divas.
Chloe is so grumpy and cute!

Marvelous is...staying in all weekend marathoning almost the entire second season of Parks and Recs. I got my mom and I hooked. Ron Swanson cracks me up.

Marvelous is...playing a few intense impromptu games of Rummikub on a Saturday night during a snowstorm. Something about bad weather and board games. Kind of like peanut butter and jelly. Although I prefer peanut butter and fresh spinach sandwiches. Don't hate.

Marvelous is...winter clothing clearance. I've had my eye on this one particular sweater and I scored it for $15 on Saturday! I also made out like a bandit at K-Mart yesterday, with no intentions of buying anything. $35 well spent.

Marvelous is...finally beating level 382 on Candy Crush. I can't stop playing when I'm stuck on a level for over a week. The feeling of accomplishment I get from this victory is so wrong haha.

Here's to looking forward to a week full of yoga, rising temperatures (I hope!), and not feeling the compulsion to play so much Candy Crush.

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